So I paid a ridiculous amount for some pictures...Then me and ma went to the Ole Brook Festival and took a few of our own and they are ten times better, ugh. Not paying for pictures ever again! Well the "8 o'clock in the morning outside in the cold" photo op probably wasn't the smartest thing to do but anyway just proud we took some good ones on our own! Can't believe I was carrying him around in a sling last year at Ole Brook, only a month old, and he is walking around this year. It was not supposed to happen that fast! These pics were taken by that old building by the railroad. And "NO, I did not physically abuse him in any way." We had a battle of clipping fingernails and he won. And "NO, he does not need a hair cut either." His hair is perfect just the way it is. This one is my favorite! And we, of course, found the tractor!Then we had to rest for a bit. Then On to Bogue Chitto!
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